Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday to my dear, witty Friend!

Today is the birthday of a dear, witty friend of mine, Janell! She is my Onema!! She thinks of so many funny things to say all on her own! Happy, happy birthday Janell! I hope your day has been filled with laughter and peace as you set out on your new adventure!

If you haven't heard Janell is going to be famous one day, and she is already well on her way! She is a wonderfully talented writer that is going to be published! We are all so proud of her! I love you Onema and miss knowing you are in town! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The BIG, Red, Ripe Strawberry

Okay, well it may not be a BIG, red, ripe strawberry, but it was the largest that our strawberry plants have produced thus far... Needless to say, this has not been a high yield summer in terms of strawberries, but luckily our strawberry plant's success does not determine our happiness. Brady and I have enjoyed a wonderful summer of traveling and healing and growth.

Now, considering that it has been eight months since my last post, there is no way I can catch up on all of the posts I should have made. This being said, I am not going to attempt it. I can only say I am sorry for my neglect....till next time, Cheers!